Investor Information System
The Mayor's Office of Cartagena through the Secretaryship of Finance and the Economic Development Unit have made it possible through this technological platform to show the route required by national and foreign investors for the development of their activities in Cartagena de Indias.
In this process you will find the information system of the Mayor's Office of Cartagena for the investor, being able to deliver the fundamental bases to initiate the investment process within the District.
This platform provides the investor, who wishes to establish in the city, a guide that allows him/her to follow the step by step to comply with the regulations, the needs for the creation of a company, as well as the requirements and permits necessary for the incorporation of companies in a formal way.

In this document you will find, in the first instance, what is the information system for the investor, which are the entities that from the government has jurisdiction for the constitution and / or creation of companies. Likewise, the steps to be undertaken along with the support institutions, for compliance of the regulations from its initial investment to the closure of the process in the city of Cartagena.