Reasons to invest in Cartagena
These are some of the reasons and benefits why investors choose Cartagena de Indias as an ideal city to make their investments:

Maritime and air connectivity capacity with the main cities of the United States, Europe, Central America, and South America. Its proximity to the Panama Canal also allows it to serve as a bridge for the development of actions towards the Pacific and its relationship for the entry of products or services to the center of the country.

Business Location Areas
There is a territorial regulation plan, which determines different zones for the establishment of companies, among which the following stand out: Free Trade Zones, Industrial Sector, Storage warehouses, Industrial Parks and logistic development centers.

Physical Infrastructure
International Airport More than 26 seaports under concession. 4G highways. Capacity of connections with the inland of the country. Bay with high capacity to receive deep draft ships.

Handling of 60% of Colombia's exports.
Facilitation of 70% of the country's imports.
High coverage of customs operations and logistics.

Enterprise Composition
Petrochemical Plastic Industry. Largest petroleum refineryin the country. Shipbuilding and maintenance cluster. High standards in hotels.

Human Talent Skills
Presence of 70% of the most recognized universities with postgraduate programs.
Human talent with command of two and three languages. Graduates from undergraduate and postgraduate programs related to the skills required in companies, business administration, logistics, industrial sector operators, international trade, ports, among other technical and technological training for business development.