Cartagena de Indias, D. T. y C.
Cartagena has a total of 1,059,626 inhabitants, according to projections made by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE). The average population density of the District is 1,700 inhabitants per km².
Bolívar GDP
COP $56,626 billion
Cartagena Inflation
Cumulative CPI (Jan-Jun): 4.03%
Monthly CPI (June): 0.23%
Annual CPI: 8.01%
Economic Sectors and Activities
1. Tourism
2. Shipyards and Naval industry
3. Logistics
4. Agroindustry
5. Petrochemical Plastic
6. Mining (Extraction of sand, gravel, cement, lime and clay)
Data from the Bolivar and Cartagena Department of Commerce Report.

GDP by main economic sectors